October 5, 2020

Tree Climbing Competitions: All Play?

Climbing competitions can be a whole lot of fun! Skills are tested in short time frames with adrenaline racing, you against the clock. But it is all just for fun? Competition climbing, although not an exact replica of how tree work is done, can help change the way you climb, think and work on the jobsite. Explore strategy, techniques, camaraderie and mindset, and how these can be applied to your everyday job.

Krista presented this material at TCI EXPO 2019 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Click below to listen to an audio recording of that presentation,

Krista Strating is an arborist for the City of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, and a tree-climbing instructor for arboriculture apprenticeship and urban-forestry students. She currently holds the title of North American Women’s Tree Climbing Champion.

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