Rancho Tree Service safety personnel provide their annual training using bilingual instruction on the proper usage of a "water buffalo" mobile water tank and pump trailer for use on high-fire-risk job sites. Unless otherwise noted, photos courtesy of the author. [...]
Those directly involved in the tree care industry or, more specifically, in utility-vegetation management can play a role in preventing, or causing, wildfires. Photo courtesy of Josh Caudill. A wildfire can be caused in an instant – a lightning strike, [...]
It is important for employers and employees to understand appropriate measures for protecting the individual in the workplace during cold weather. Photos by Robert Knight, Timberland Tree Service, Ltd., courtesy of the author. In cold-weather conditions, we tend to focus [...]
This fire at Petree Arbor, Lawn and Landscape in Louisville, Tennessee, burned for three days. "We lost most of our equipment, including a crane we’d just gotten, and my entire office – computers, desks, everything you accumulate over 20 years [...]
While almost all tree workers know of the hazard of touching or even standing near an aerial-lift truck when the knuckle contacts an overhead wire, few know of the risk posed by ropes on wires. Photo courtesy of Richard S. [...]