Aerial Rescue & Emergency Response

Applying a tourniquet to show first aid updates for arborists

First-Aid Updates for Arborists

Most arborists are aware of the Z133 American National Standard for Arboricultural Operations – Safety Requirements. This standard is our road map for safely navigating through the numerous hazards associated with arboricultural operations. It is a living standard, one that is periodically reviewed and updated as our gear evolves and our knowledge of the work […]

Applying Aerial-Rescue Skills in a Real-World Emergency

Aerial rescue is something we practice but hope to never have to use. Over the years, there have been many advances in climbing gadgets and different equipment used in the field, but aerial-rescue principles and processes have pretty much remained the same. There are definitely a number of things to take into consideration before and […]

Is Aerial Rescue Worth Practicing?

Is aerial rescue worth practicing? The obvious answer is, “Yes!” You are probably one of those climbers who’s practiced aerial rescue (AR) several times. You’ve practiced dumping a training dummy out of the basket of a bucket truck. You may even have competed in the AR event at a climbing competition. If so, spectacular! Practicing […]

Two Aerial-Lift Rescue Methods

As an industry, we, collectively, agree that more time should be dedicated to aerial-rescue training, especially scenarios involving tree climbers. But how much time is dedicated to emergency situations involving an arborist aloft in an aerial-lift bucket or platform? Here are a couple of options that could be incorporated into an aerial-lift training session for […]

Aerial-Rescue Training: Blended Frontiers

About two years ago, Kevin Lunnie, co-founder of Vector Rescue, and his business partner, James Croswell, started looking at the kind of high-risk, low-frequency events that exist for fire-service and technical-rescue teams. Lunnie is a lieutenant with the Danbury Fire Department in Connecticut and a founding member of the International Technical Rescue Association (ITRA). Croswell […]

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