Jacob Reyes, left, and Tighe Holden practice a rescue. Keep it low and slow when training and without the aid of a dummy.

Climbing Efficiency

When it comes to teaching climbing in the tree care industry, we need to focus more on strategy and efficiency. Like most of you, I started on the ground, watching. Generally, that seems like the first step for any wannabe climber. You watch to get a sense of what a climber does. In this country, […]

MRS and SRS both have their benefits. You may find a blending of these systems to be appropriate for complex jobs.

Climbing Efficiency

When it comes to teaching climbing in the tree care industry, we need to focus more on strategy and efficiency.

Looking down from up in a tree worker in orange shirt and black helmet tying green rope around cut tree trunk

Taking Friction Into the Canopy

Trends are phenomena that sweep through our culture constantly. Some are new and original, others a rendition of those that came before. Then there are those that resurface. The rediscovery of something that had previously come and gone. The tree world is no different. However long you’ve been in tree care, you’ve likely seen at […]

Extend Your Climbing Career with Proper Maintenance

It began somewhere around late summer or early fall of 2011, I believe. I woke one day to find that my wrist just didn’t want to move the same way. My thumb could barely move, and when it did, there was stiffness and popping. It never had done that before. “What the heck is going […]

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