Photo 1: Azalea lace bugs create coarse stipples on azalea leaves. When numerous, they can turn azaleas white. All images courtesy of the author. This article is the fourth in a series by the author designed to help arborists diagnose [...]
Trunk tissue around the base of a dead, decayed branch often grows rapidly and forms a callus ring. Photo by USDA Forest Service – Northeastern Area , USDA Forest Service, This is the conclusion of a two-part article that [...]
An adult Emerald Ash Borer and its distinctive serpentine galleries with a nickle for size comparison. Photo by Eric R. Day, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) is an invasive beetle that has [...]
This article is the third in a series by the author designed to help arborists diagnose and understand problems caused by insects and mites on woody landscape plants. The first article, “Basics for Diagnosing Problems Caused by Insects and Mites” [...]
This article is the second in a series by the author designed to help arborists diagnose problems caused by insects and mites on woody landscape plants. The first article, “Basics for Diagnosing Problems Caused by Insects and Mites” (TCI November [...]