• October 1, 2020

    Photo 1, at right: A cluster of Jack O’ Lantern mushrooms at the base of an otherwise healthy white oak. The fungus appears in late summer through the fall. Unless otherwise noted, photos courtesy of the author. Several mushroom species [...]

  • October 1, 2020

    Xylaria polymorpha – Dead man’s fingers. Finger-like fruiting bodies are found on the roots or near the base of infected trees, typically in groups of three or more. Fruiting bodies are black with a white tip, resembling dead fingers rising [...]

  • July 1, 2020

    The author appears to be already scratching during the removal. Photo by Gabriell McGinnis of T Town Tree Service. I am writing to report on an unusual accident that happened to me on the job here in Arizona. I own/operate [...]

  • April 1, 2020

    Partnering with public agencies for a treatment contract is one of the SWOT items under "Opportunities." Late-summer and fall treatments to control spotted lanternfly might focus on protecting tree trunks with systemic bark sprays, as shown here. Unless otherwise noted, [...]

  • June 1, 2020

    Photo 1: In order for sexual reproduction to occur in the Basidomycota decay fungi, a tree must be infected twice by basidiospores. Sexual reproduction results in the formation of conks, mushrooms or brackets that produce spores for further dispersal and [...]