Photo 1: Leaf chlorosis is a symptom of an underlying problem. Photos courtesy of Mauget. The core principle of ethics in medicine relating to the treatment and medication of a patient is to “do no harm,” part of the Hippocratic [...]
Aeration tubes have no proven efficacy at improving soil oxygen content. These amount to landscape pollution. All photos courtesy of the author. Shade trees contract many kinds of diseases, some of which can kill or greatly disfigure a tree, predispose [...]
As pests and diseases evolve and new ones are identified, your state’s IPM department is key to staying on top of developments. The pest that caused this symptom, polyphagous shothole borer (PSHB), is primarily located in California and attacks around [...]
Is structural pruning really plant health care? Given that it can save trees from being prematurely removed from the landscape, it clearly is PHC, and may be one of the more important PHC practices. In some cases, a single pruning [...]
These ash at the Holocaust Memorial Boston were treated with a fertilizer containing nutrients, humic acid, surfactants and humectants designed to increase root development and reduce water stress. Photo courtesy of Arborjet. As most arborists know, one of the fundamental [...]