Mike Earl, owner of Old Growth Tree Service LLC, an eight-year TCIA member company based in Eagle, Colorado, says he loves the Registered Arborist Apprenticeship Program. His first arborist apprentice, Ryan Mack, will soon complete his U. S. Department of [...]
This past November, I enjoyed the opportunity of sharing some of my experiences with the Registered Arborist Apprenticeship program alongside August Hoppe at TCI EXPO ’22 in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was really energizing to share what we’ve learned so [...]
In May 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of Apprenticeship (OA) approved and recognized TCIA as an Apprenticeship Ambassador. While TCIA has three years’ experience with the Registered Apprenticeship program, the Apprenticeship Ambassador designation is new for TCIA.“This [...]
A group of participants in the Registered Arborist Apprenticeship program in Wisconsin. Photos courtesy of the author. Is apprenticeship the key to solving our workforce shortage? Is apprenticeship the answer to the training and retention of employees? Will apprenticeship elevate [...]
Apprenticeship-program participants received guidance from experienced professionals, including trainers from TCIA member companies such as Mowbray’s Tree Service. All images courtesy of Annie Rafferty, Butte College. “Whoops” rang out as each trainee walked to the front of the class to [...]