January 7, 2022

Video – Selecting Cut-Resistant Leg Protection

Watch Travis Vickerson discuss why we wear chain-saw protection, including cut-resistant chaps or pants, in the first place.

A big myth out there is that if you wear chain-saw protection and it gets cut, you can walk away unaffected. Hopefully you can. But wearing chain-saw protection is more like a bandage than a bulletproof shield – you might actually get cut, but you may only receive a few stitches instead of a horrific wound or worse.

This video was shot at the TCI Magazine Trainer’s Test Kitchen demo area during TCI EXPO ’21 in Indianapolis, Indiana, in November 2021.

Travis Vickerson, CTSP, QCL, is assistant district manager in the Lebanon, New Hampshire, office of Chippers, Inc., now a Davey Tree Care Company, an accredited, 49-year TCIA member company based in Kent, Ohio.


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