
A Sure Path to Hearing Loss

I’m not the man I used to be! At 67 years of age and retired, I still tend to try to work like the 30-year-old version of myself. My body tells a different story. Since age 60, I’d noticed with each passing year of retirement that my strength and endurance diminished some. I just didn’t […]

Revised Book Will Aid Field ID of Wood Decay Fungi

Hot off the press as of August 2022, Wood Decay Fungi Common to the Northeast and Central United States, 2nd Edition, by Christopher J. Luley, Ph.D., is now available at the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) online bookstore. Most arborists may recognize the name Christopher Luley. After all, he has been a regular contributor to […]

Celebrating Dr. Alex Shigo

I was on the Arborists Online Facebook page a while ago and came across postings from a couple of young arborists. They had just received their copies of Dr. Alex Shigo’s books, A New Tree Biology and Modern Arboriculture. I could sense the excitement in their posts, and it brought back a flood of memories […]

Sharing Experience in the Wake of the 2020 Midwest Derecho

About a week-and-a-half after the August 10, 2020, derecho that moved through and devastated a large swath of the upper Midwest, I made a trip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, perhaps one of the hardest-hit urban areas in its path. The shear devastation was unlike anything I have ever seen before. Straight-line winds of up to […]

Trenching as a Root-Graft Disruption Treatment for Oak Wilt

Most arborists are familiar with oak-wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum) ) symptoms and management guidelines. Oak wilt is a fungal vascular disease that is spread through root grafts or by nitidulid beetles carrying fungal spores from an infected oak to an open wound on another oak. Oak wilt affects all oak species, but because oak wilt affects […]

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