My son was playing a baseball game at a college field near Boston on one of the crazy-hot days we had recently, August 5, 2022. It always amazes me how much people love trees on these days. Obviously, baseball games [...]
After 2020’s national restriction on live events, tree care workers and merchants were eagerly anticipating TCI EXPO ’21 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Professionals from across the U.S. reconvened to learn, trade and interact with like-minded individuals who share a passion for [...]
As a registered consulting arborist (RCA), I enjoy my work, but sometimes I enjoy it more than usual. My client has a wall behind a city sidewalk with a vertical crack that he believes was caused by the roots of [...]
Why?” Such a simple question, but if you spend any time around a child, you will soon discover it may be one of the most complex and difficult questions to understand, and the complete answer to “Why?” is always changing, [...]
Sketch by Jerry King. I am an artist. Trees are my medium. Many years ago, my grandfather instructed me to distinguish between the work of craftsmen, or craftswomen, and artisans and artists. Craftspersons’ work, he said, exhibits a fair understanding [...]