• June 1, 2020

    Pruning a tree to develop a strong, stable structure is the most important objective for the tree. Failure to develop a dominant leader results in multiple leaders, as shown here, and a weak branch structure. Photo courtesy of the author. [...]

  • June 1, 2020

    The width of the planting hole should be at least two times the root-ball width, even wider if the soil is compacted. Photo courtesy of the author. A wise person once said (or said something to the effect of), “When [...]

  • July 2, 2019

    In the early days, leaf blowers were magnificent tools that were only used at the last part of a job, after raking. Sometimes one guy would be sweeping, then another blowing behind him. Those days are gone. Now, many landscape [...]

  • July 1, 2019

    Figure 1. Soil-drench application of paclobutrazol. Photo courtesy of Rainbow Treecare Scientific Advancements. Arborists and landscapers usually are concerned with trying to keep trees and shrubs up and growing. But often, situations arise when trees grow beyond where they’re desired, [...]

  • July 1, 2019

    This willow is what it looked like 15 months later, in September 2012. Photos courtesy of the author. Flush cuts were still the norm when I began my arboricultural sojourn. In 1983, Dr. Alex Shigo spoke at my alma mater. [...]

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