Climbing arborists and tree workers rely on the structural strength and stability of a tree’s branches, trunk and roots to support their weight and the forces associated with rigging operations. Failure of tree parts can result in uncontrolled falling [...]
Photo 1: Removing a tarp from beneath the mulch below a struggling pine to reduce stress and increase water to the soil. All photos courtesy of the author. I’ve had a number of consultations in Pleasant Ridge, [...]
Dieback, as shown here, is one of the most telling symptoms of tree decline, almost always indicating a soil or root problem. Sometimes this is referred to as stag horning. Photo courtesy of the author. Many years ago, [...]
Another doom-and-gloom story? There is an ever-growing lineup of new and invasive pests, weeds and diseases with which we, as tree care professionals, must keep up. For foresters and arborists in the mid-Atlantic, New England and parts of the [...]
In the competitive landscape of the tree care industry, businesses are continually looking for ways to improve their bottom line while providing top-notch services to clients. One often-overlooked opportunity lies in root-collar excavation (RCE or RCX). This specialized service not [...]