Photo 1: Removing a tarp from beneath the mulch below a struggling pine to reduce stress and increase water to the soil. All photos courtesy of the author. I’ve had a number of consultations in Pleasant Ridge, [...]
Dieback, as shown here, is one of the most telling symptoms of tree decline, almost always indicating a soil or root problem. Sometimes this is referred to as stag horning. Photo courtesy of the author. Many years ago, [...]
Another doom-and-gloom story? There is an ever-growing lineup of new and invasive pests, weeds and diseases with which we, as tree care professionals, must keep up. For foresters and arborists in the mid-Atlantic, New England and parts of the [...]
In the competitive landscape of the tree care industry, businesses are continually looking for ways to improve their bottom line while providing top-notch services to clients. One often-overlooked opportunity lies in root-collar excavation (RCE or RCX). This specialized service not [...]
The general identification terms of sapwood and heartwood are used in many aspects of the plant sciences, especially in arboriculture. These terms are used loosely by many practitioners to identify the outer portion of a branch or stem and the [...]