Sonia J. Summers sketch, courtesy of W. Jim Cortese. Dr. Don Williams, former head of the Ornamental Horticulture Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, was a very demanding professor to his students. He was also a very wise individual and [...]
Arbor tape killing a healthy young sweetgum. Photo courtesy of the David M. Anderson, CTSP Mayer Tree.David M. Anderson, CTSP and Massachusetts certified arborist, is a manager with Mayer Tree Service Inc., a 30-year TCIA member company based in Essex, Massachusetts. [...]
One value of a superhero is safety – using PPE and protecting themselves, others and the environment from harm. Shown here in correct PPE is Kathleen Mackey, Davey Resource Group, Northeast Ohio. Photo by Melinda Yoho. What is a pesticide-compliance [...]
Pruning should always be a very specific process. Photo 1: The holly on the left has not been pruned yet, while the one on the right has. All photos courtesy of the author. The intent: What are you trying to [...]