“Botany for Arborists” is a compilation of revised articles that had been written for and published by Western Arborist Magazine. Cover photo courtesy of the author. I would recommend “Botany for Arborists” for all professional arborists wishing to [...]
Dieback, as shown here, is one of the most telling symptoms of tree decline, almost always indicating a soil or root problem. Sometimes this is referred to as stag horning. Photo courtesy of the author. Many years ago, [...]
Purcell’s latest book covers all relevant aspects of arboriculture based on current research and best practices, says reviewer Steven Pregler. As readers of TCI Magazine, we should all recognize the name Lindsey Purcell. Among the many articles he [...]
Another doom-and-gloom story? There is an ever-growing lineup of new and invasive pests, weeds and diseases with which we, as tree care professionals, must keep up. For foresters and arborists in the mid-Atlantic, New England and parts of the [...]
Before we even get into the details of how to fell a tree, the most important questions we can ask are, “Can we even fell this tree? Do we have room? What are the hazards? (Photo 1) How much [...]