
Biomechanics for Tree Climbers

This story starts as many stories do, with a life-changing incident. But it is really about body mechanics. In 2007, I (Phil Kelley) had a lead fail under me while doing a large crane removal. I was at the end of the lowest limb of a 66-inch DBH (diameter-at-breast-height) water oak, so when the lead […]

Arborist Skills: How to Apply an SRS Redirect without Unloading Your Primary Suspension Point

Aaron Feather, CTSP demonstrates how to Apply an SRS Redirect without Unloading Your Primary Suspension Point. The beauty of climbing using a stationary-rope system, or SRS, is being able to redirect onto limbs that can position you directly over your work. Limbs that would never absorb the dynamic strain of a moving or dynamic redirect, […]

Arborist Skills: Pneumatic-air-excavation tool

Pneumatic-air-excavation tools are versatile devices used for many types of soil-excavating operations, including tree-root and trunk excavations. Often, the need to see what is happening underground in a tree’s root zone is critical to making the right management choices regarding tree health. Pneumatic-air soil loosening is the least injurious method to meet the objective and […]

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