A ban on some uses of neonicotinoid pesticides in New Jersey will go into effect in fall 2023. With existing restrictions in five other states and at least 11 more states considering limiting use of the pesticides, it is time [...]
You may be wondering what we and the trees have to do with foundations. For anything to be successful, it must have a strong foundation, and this is no different when we discuss tree health. While trees are amazingly resilient, [...]
What are the basic components a tree needs to be healthy? My son was asked this in first grade last year for Arbor Day, which made me go back to the fundamentals. In general, plants need sunlight, air, water and [...]
What is soil? One of the most important characteristics of soil that is often overlooked is the fact that soil is alive. It’s not just alive in the sense that living things are some byproducts of soil or are simply [...]
OK, but why soil? Take a minute to picture a tree. Maybe even grab a pen right now and draw one out in the margin – I’ll wait. Some things you might note are the canopy shape, leaf-on or leaf-off, [...]