Mounir Fahim, shown here in the tree, started learning SRS techniques by watching YouTube videos. All photos courtesy of Momentum Tree Experts. Tree work was not a family legacy or a lifelong passion for Mounir Fahim, CTSP, Certified [...]
Climbing arborists and tree workers rely on the structural strength and stability of a tree’s branches, trunk and roots to support their weight and the forces associated with rigging operations. Failure of tree parts can result in uncontrolled falling [...]
Photo 1: Removing a tarp from beneath the mulch below a struggling pine to reduce stress and increase water to the soil. All photos courtesy of the author. I’ve had a number of consultations in Pleasant Ridge, [...]
A Fisher's crew performs a technical tree removal at Moss Lake, in Shelby, North Carolina. All photos courtesy of Fisher's Tree & Crane Service Inc. This is a story about how to get ahead in life while doing [...]
In January, the Trump administration officially took office and the 119th Congress began their new session. This month, efforts to begin legislating and regulating are underway, as Congress finalizes its committee rosters and the Senate works to confirm President Trump’s [...]