
Manténgase alejado de debajo de un pico de grúa elevado

Stay Out From Under a Raised Crane Pick Durante las operaciones de la grúa, el lugar de trabajo siempre está en acción. Se levantan grandes piezas de árboles desde el árbol hasta la zona de aterrizaje. Las minicargadoras u otras máquinas pueden colocar las piezas para cortarlas con una motosierra o introducirlas en una astilladora. […]

Wildfire Update: Fire-Safety Gear for Arborist Work

It’s hard to go through a news cycle these days without hearing about the wildfires that have been ravaging the Northwest region of our country. The state of Oregon has suffered one of the worst fire seasons on record, with Colorado and Nevada following closely behind. My own state of California has suffered the worst […]

Accident Briefs for July 2021

Worker killed felling tree A tree worker died July 1, 2021, in Orlando, Florida, when a tree he was removing for a local church fell on him. The church had hired a tree-trimming service to remove four oak trees on the property. The trees had lost multiple limbs recently and were considered a hazard. The […]

Wildfire Prevention and Suppression Training

A wildfire can be caused in an instant – a lightning strike, a lit cigarette thrown out of a car, misjudging wind while lighting a campfire, a tree limb striking an electrical line; these are just some of the many causes of forest fires. While mother nature can be extreme and unpredictable, we all play […]

Progressive Aerial Rescue: Is It an Afterthought?

We’ve been shorting ourselves. When it comes to aerial-rescue training, we, as an industry, have been spending too much time on the same few points while overlooking numerous critical points in the overall incident. We tend to approach the rescue with the mindset of “down to ground as soon as possible,” and then call it […]

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