Access to sunlight has more effect on turf performance than root competition. All photos courtesy of the author. We call it plant health care, but our focus as arborists is tree health care. While our clients are interested in attractive [...]
Photo 1: A landscape with acceptable amount of organic material – only need is to monitor for changes. All photos courtesy of the author. Plant health care, or PHC, is a big and growing division for many tree care businesses, [...]
A crew member with General Tree Service in Beaverton, Oregon, provides a systemic insect-control treatment. “For pesticides and insecticides for larger trees, if we know it is aphids or bronze birch borer, we will recommend systemic control, injecting at the [...]
An abundance of compatible, perennial native plants establishes and competes with trees with an IVM-based approach. Photo by James W. Orr. A team led by consultant John Goodfellow has developed an economic model to show that integrated vegetation management, or [...]
The most important question should be, “How can we improve your experience with our company?” Your clients are your biggest resource – use them! If you are doing things that work for them, give them the opportunity to tell you [...]