Type & number of incidents for March 2022 Groundworker electrocuted A groundworker was electrocuted during tree-trimming operations March 1, 2022, in Madison, Wisconsin. Dustin L. Gurney, 38, of Janesville, Wisc., was part of a tree-company crew trimming trees when a [...]
A fall-arrest system is intended to stop the lift operator in the event he or she falls or is knocked out of the bucket. This TCIA staff photo was part of a demo staged by Stanley Tree Service and Cranes101. [...]
Injuries caused by chain saws are serious in nature, but the risk of injury can be mitigated with the appropriate training and PPE. All photos courtesy of Andrew Jones. Another year has arrived, and once again the tree industry finds [...]
The fall protection the climber on the left is wearing is a climbing saddle with an attached upper-body harness; the lift operator on the right has a full-body harness. Both are compliant for their respective applications. Photos courtesy of SavATree. [...]
Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is what you need when everything else has gone wrong. You don’t need a helmet until your head has been impacted by an outside force, usually a branch stub. You don’t need cut-resistant leg protection [...]