
A Guide to the Pruning Decision Process

As arborists, pruning is a very important part of our work. Most arborists and horticulturalists are passionate about pruning. Most enjoy pruning and believe in their methods. The question is, how do you know what’s right? Pruning should be more than just removing branches. Before you prune trees and shrubs, you need to ask a […]

Tree trunk with cables and ropes up close

Climbing and Rigging Critical-Risk Ash Trees

Trees killed by emerald ash borer (EAB) can be dangerous to climb and rig. In this article, we’ll look at felling, climbing and rigging critical-risk trees killed by EAB. A quick EAB refresher Emerald ash borer was first discovered in the United States in southeastern Michigan in 2002, but experts think it probably was introduced […]

Looking down from up in a tree worker in orange shirt and black helmet tying green rope around cut tree trunk

Taking Friction Into the Canopy

Trends are phenomena that sweep through our culture constantly. Some are new and original, others a rendition of those that came before. Then there are those that resurface. The rediscovery of something that had previously come and gone. The tree world is no different. However long you’ve been in tree care, you’ve likely seen at […]

Aerial view looking down at a metal roof with a tree banch and a worker in a white bucket truck

Choosing the Right Anchor Point

Many of us can vividly remember when we began in this industry. We looked up into trees to watch what that experienced person was doing and likely felt as if there was some bit of magic happening. The ropes, the climbing, the equipment and the drop zones. Oh, the drop zones. I can still see […]

Worker in a tree wearing green shirt and red helmet sitting on a branch tossing a brown rope

Making Rope Management Part of the Plan

Perhaps one of the least-sexy topics in all of arboriculture is that of rope management. It doesn’t get the same attention some other topics do, but probably deserves more than it gets. This article is a brief attempt to shine a light on an underrated and underappreciated part of tree work. Rope management is a […]

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